"Simple Healthy Recipes" on a BUDGET
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The making of our VEGETABLE GARDEN

The photos below illustrate the steps in making our Vegetable Garden in our backyard (it is facing east - sun in the morning until about 4 pm in summer).

Note: we decided to make a Garden when friends gave us 7 plants of tomatoes and 3 plants of peppers in small planters.  We already had collard greens we seeded a month ago in a large container.

DAY 1: Select the size of the garden
and shave the grass.

Here 105 inches x 45 inches.
(the tomato, pepper planters and the container
with the collard greens are under the porch)
DAY 1: Unroll the plastic borders under
the sun to make them softer and straight.
DAY 1: Top soil (20 bags),
Garden soil (6 bags) and Mulch (1 bag).
DAY 1: Cut the plastic border pieces to size.
DAY 1: Mark with stakes and twine
the exact size of the garden.
DAY 1: A visitor at night.
DAY 1: The visitor at night.
DAY 1: The visitor at night on a piece of
the garden plastic border.
DAY 1: The visitor at night near a tomato
planter under the porch.
DAY 2: Digging out the bermuda grass
and its roots (rhizome) about

5 inches deep.
DAY 2: Gluing together the corners
of the plastic border pieces.
DAY 2: The plastic border glue is drying
under the porch.
DAY 2: Top soil in the middle of the garden.
It will be used to put the plastic
border in place.
DAY 2: Bricks at the corners to support
the plastic border.
DAY 2: Plastic border on bricks secured
in place with spikes. 
DAY 2: Top soil and garden soil
with fertilizer added.

The garden is slightly sloped
for proper drainage.
DAY 2: Lowest point of the garden connected
to the existing French drain.
DAY 2: More top soil and garden soil
with fertilizer added.
DAY 2: Garden ready for transplanting.
DAY 3: Planters moved from the porch
to the garden.
DAY 3: Digging a hole for one
of the tomato plant.
DAY 3: Moving a tomato plant
from the planter to the garden.
DAY 3: All the tomato and pepper plants
are now in the garden.
DAY 3: Collard greens transplanted
and garden lightly watered
DAY 3: Light mulching to prevent too much
evaporation during very hot days.
DAY 4: Tomato cages added.
DAY 4: Garden completed.
DAY 5: Grading around the garden.
DAY 5: Job COMPLETED and it starts raining !